Ringkasan Peta Pikiran AI

Ringkas YouTube, PDF/Docs, URL, Email Panjang,Rekaman Rapat menjadi Mind Maps dalam hitungan detik.
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Hemat banyak waktu dengan Mapify: Segera petai poin utama dari dokumen, situs web, atau video YouTube—belajar belum pernah sebegini mudah.
Teks Panjang ke peta pikiran
Tempelkan teks panjang (misalnya Email Panjang) untuk ringkasan peta pikiran yang cepat dan ringkas
Gambar ke peta pikiran
Jelaskan grafik, diagram, dan infografis sebagai peta pikiran terstruktur
Audio ke peta pikiran
Ubah rekaman pertemuan, podcast, dan wawancara menjadi catatan peta kunci
Unggah file di sini untuk memulai
Ringkas PDF/Dokumen
Ringkas YouTube
Tanya Apapun
Sesuaikan & Ekspor
Satu Peta Berharga Ribuan Kata
Cukup ketikkan ide Anda dan segera dapatkan peta pikiran buatan AI.
Bangun dan sempurnakan dengan asisten AI untuk mendesain mahakarya Anda sendiri.
Bagaimana Cara Mengadakan Pesta Ulang Tahun Bertema Sains untuk Anak-Anak?
Bagaimana Cara Mengadakan Pesta Ulang Tahun Bertema Sains untuk Anak-Anak?
Template AI Terintegrasi
Template Lengkap untuk Membuat Mind Maps dalam Hitungan Detik
Tingkatkan pemetaan pikiran Anda dengan template AI yang spesifik untuk tugas, dirancang untuk menyederhanakan proses visualisasi dan penyempurnaan ide Anda.
Pembuatan Langkah demi Langkah
Dapatkan Kontrol atas Proses Pembangkitan
Bangun peta pikiran Anda tingkat demi tingkat, memberi Anda kontrol atas setiap tahap proses pembuatan.
Brainstorm untuk ide startup AI
Briefing peluncuran untuk aplikasi mobile "FitLife"
Tingkatkan Produktivitas dengan Alat AI Mapify
Perbarui peta pikiran Anda dengan kekuatan AI. Gunakan chatbox AI, akses web secara real-time, dan fungsi teks-ke-gambar untuk ruang kerja yang optimal.
Terjemahan Global
Terjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Anda
Baca, chat, dan peta dalam bahasa yang Anda sukai. Dukungan untuk 30+ bahasa untuk segera mengonversi situs asing menjadi rangkuman peta pikiran yang mudah dibaca.
Chat dengan AI
Interaksi dengan peta pikiran Anda secara lanjutan melalui chat AI
Rasakan cara lanjutan untuk berinteraksi dengan peta pikiran Anda. Ubah atau bertanya tentang peta pikiran Anda dengan chatting dengan AI.
Akses Web
Pemberdayaan dengan data real-time
Gunakan akses web untuk menyematkan percakapan dengan informasi terbaru dan paling akurat, sehingga meningkatkan peta pikiran Anda.
Generasi Gambar
Bayangkan ide-ide Anda dengan Teknologi Teks-ke-Gambar
Ubah konsep tekstual menjadi imajeri yang menarik, memperkaya peta pikiran dengan konteks visual yang seketika.
Indah & Mudah Dibagikan
Perluas jangkauan pengetahuan Anda dengan kekuatan Mapify. Simpan, bagikan, dan tunjukkan ide kunci Anda untuk menginspirasi inovasi masa depan.
Presentasikan sebagai slide
Transisi Peta Pikiran ke Slide Sekali Klik
Ubah peta pikiran menjadi slide dengan mudah, untuk presentasi yang jelas dan berdampak.
Bagikan & Ekspor
Bagikan peta pikiran Anda ke dunia
Bagikan peta pikiran dengan tautan atau ekspor ke berbagai format dengan satu klik.

(dulu Chatmind)

Görrel Månsson
I am very, very pleased with the product! I use it in several different ways, both personally and professionally – to determine if an article or video is worth spending time to get through, to prepare myself for tackling material I know can be a bit tricky, and sometimes just to enjoy watching the mind map emerge on the screen😊 I especially appreciate that you can download the image and save it. And I hope that in the future it will also be possible to save the step-by-step presentation of the mind map!
Abdul Aziz Abdullah
Computer Science Student
I have found Chatmind to be an exceptional AI tool that significantly aids in creating charts and summaries for books. Its intuitive interface and powerful features have made it an invaluable resource for organizing complex information in a clear and concise manner. As a student, utilizing Chatmind has greatly enhanced my learning experience. It has enabled me to visualize and retain key concepts more effectively, and I believe it has the potential to benefit many others in similar academic pursuits.
Roger Zhu
Organizer of Google Developer Group Arlington
Chatmind helps me better plan and facilitate our developer online meetup events. Using Chatmind, I was able to type a simple prompt such as "I want to host a meetup about Android mobile development" and get a detailed and organized framework to help me generate discussion topics. Chatmind also provides useful tips, such as using visual aids to make the events more engaging. I would recommend Chatmind to anyone who wants to build a community!
Attorney in cross-border transactions
Before discovering Chatmind, the myriad benefits of mind mapping were like uncharted territories to me. With its intuitive interface and innovative features, Chatmind has transformed the daunting task of organizing intricate thought processes into an art form.
Ernst & Young Business Consulting Manager
As we all know, the pyramid principle is an essential skill for consulting. Chatmind can help a new consultant to better structure their thinking and improve their logical expression ability. Moreover, Chatmind can help quickly summarize divergent questions raised by customers. What a good product!
University of Virginia Graduate Consulting Club
PhD students pursuing consulting career
Chatmind is a great AI tool for generating MECE (Mutually Exclusive and Completely Exhaustive) frameworks. While the generated framework is over the top, it provides invaluable insights and feedback to users, especially when compared with their own frameworks.
Dave Koshinz
I'm enjoying Chatmind and find it to be a helpful product.
Prof. Cesar Barroso
Youtuber, Professor
é muito bom e excelente para esquematizar meus conteúdos
Warren Gibbs
Head of Information Technology Leading global operations and advisory services
I used Chatmind to generate mind maps from around 500 pages of lecture notes from an executive training program I am attending. Its ability to quickly produce content that accurately reflect the source material is really quite astounding. The added capability of having a chatbot using your mind map as a data source is also really cool! This service has saved me hundreds of hours and I will continue to use it my daily job as an information consolidator tool
Görrel Månsson
I am very, very pleased with the product! I use it in several different ways, both personally and professionally – to determine if an article or video is worth spending time to get through, to prepare myself for tackling material I know can be a bit tricky, and sometimes just to enjoy watching the mind map emerge on the screen😊 I especially appreciate that you can download the image and save it. And I hope that in the future it will also be possible to save the step-by-step presentation of the mind map!
Abdul Aziz Abdullah
Computer Science Student
I have found Chatmind to be an exceptional AI tool that significantly aids in creating charts and summaries for books. Its intuitive interface and powerful features have made it an invaluable resource for organizing complex information in a clear and concise manner. As a student, utilizing Chatmind has greatly enhanced my learning experience. It has enabled me to visualize and retain key concepts more effectively, and I believe it has the potential to benefit many others in similar academic pursuits.
Roger Zhu
Organizer of Google Developer Group Arlington
Chatmind helps me better plan and facilitate our developer online meetup events. Using Chatmind, I was able to type a simple prompt such as "I want to host a meetup about Android mobile development" and get a detailed and organized framework to help me generate discussion topics. Chatmind also provides useful tips, such as using visual aids to make the events more engaging. I would recommend Chatmind to anyone who wants to build a community!
Attorney in cross-border transactions
Before discovering Chatmind, the myriad benefits of mind mapping were like uncharted territories to me. With its intuitive interface and innovative features, Chatmind has transformed the daunting task of organizing intricate thought processes into an art form.
Ernst & Young Business Consulting Manager
As we all know, the pyramid principle is an essential skill for consulting. Chatmind can help a new consultant to better structure their thinking and improve their logical expression ability. Moreover, Chatmind can help quickly summarize divergent questions raised by customers. What a good product!
University of Virginia Graduate Consulting Club
PhD students pursuing consulting career
Chatmind is a great AI tool for generating MECE (Mutually Exclusive and Completely Exhaustive) frameworks. While the generated framework is over the top, it provides invaluable insights and feedback to users, especially when compared with their own frameworks.
Dave Koshinz
I'm enjoying Chatmind and find it to be a helpful product.
Prof. Cesar Barroso
Youtuber, Professor
é muito bom e excelente para esquematizar meus conteúdos
Warren Gibbs
Head of Information Technology Leading global operations and advisory services
I used Chatmind to generate mind maps from around 500 pages of lecture notes from an executive training program I am attending. Its ability to quickly produce content that accurately reflect the source material is really quite astounding. The added capability of having a chatbot using your mind map as a data source is also really cool! This service has saved me hundreds of hours and I will continue to use it my daily job as an information consolidator tool
Görrel Månsson
I am very, very pleased with the product! I use it in several different ways, both personally and professionally – to determine if an article or video is worth spending time to get through, to prepare myself for tackling material I know can be a bit tricky, and sometimes just to enjoy watching the mind map emerge on the screen😊 I especially appreciate that you can download the image and save it. And I hope that in the future it will also be possible to save the step-by-step presentation of the mind map!
Abdul Aziz Abdullah
Computer Science Student
I have found Chatmind to be an exceptional AI tool that significantly aids in creating charts and summaries for books. Its intuitive interface and powerful features have made it an invaluable resource for organizing complex information in a clear and concise manner. As a student, utilizing Chatmind has greatly enhanced my learning experience. It has enabled me to visualize and retain key concepts more effectively, and I believe it has the potential to benefit many others in similar academic pursuits.
Roger Zhu
Organizer of Google Developer Group Arlington
Chatmind helps me better plan and facilitate our developer online meetup events. Using Chatmind, I was able to type a simple prompt such as "I want to host a meetup about Android mobile development" and get a detailed and organized framework to help me generate discussion topics. Chatmind also provides useful tips, such as using visual aids to make the events more engaging. I would recommend Chatmind to anyone who wants to build a community!
Attorney in cross-border transactions
Before discovering Chatmind, the myriad benefits of mind mapping were like uncharted territories to me. With its intuitive interface and innovative features, Chatmind has transformed the daunting task of organizing intricate thought processes into an art form.
Ernst & Young Business Consulting Manager
As we all know, the pyramid principle is an essential skill for consulting. Chatmind can help a new consultant to better structure their thinking and improve their logical expression ability. Moreover, Chatmind can help quickly summarize divergent questions raised by customers. What a good product!
University of Virginia Graduate Consulting Club
PhD students pursuing consulting career
Chatmind is a great AI tool for generating MECE (Mutually Exclusive and Completely Exhaustive) frameworks. While the generated framework is over the top, it provides invaluable insights and feedback to users, especially when compared with their own frameworks.
Dave Koshinz
I'm enjoying Chatmind and find it to be a helpful product.
Prof. Cesar Barroso
Youtuber, Professor
é muito bom e excelente para esquematizar meus conteúdos
Warren Gibbs
Head of Information Technology Leading global operations and advisory services
I used Chatmind to generate mind maps from around 500 pages of lecture notes from an executive training program I am attending. Its ability to quickly produce content that accurately reflect the source material is really quite astounding. The added capability of having a chatbot using your mind map as a data source is also really cool! This service has saved me hundreds of hours and I will continue to use it my daily job as an information consolidator tool
Görrel Månsson
I am very, very pleased with the product! I use it in several different ways, both personally and professionally – to determine if an article or video is worth spending time to get through, to prepare myself for tackling material I know can be a bit tricky, and sometimes just to enjoy watching the mind map emerge on the screen😊 I especially appreciate that you can download the image and save it. And I hope that in the future it will also be possible to save the step-by-step presentation of the mind map!
Abdul Aziz Abdullah
Computer Science Student
I have found Chatmind to be an exceptional AI tool that significantly aids in creating charts and summaries for books. Its intuitive interface and powerful features have made it an invaluable resource for organizing complex information in a clear and concise manner. As a student, utilizing Chatmind has greatly enhanced my learning experience. It has enabled me to visualize and retain key concepts more effectively, and I believe it has the potential to benefit many others in similar academic pursuits.
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